The Missing

Three mystical stories about one Girl from early childhood to the time of death

The Missing

Before We Leave

Family packs for the moving and does not notice the coming of the strange Old Lady in black. Only the youngest daughter knows the reasons of her scaring visit.


A young girl hears a strange noise coming from a locked old wardrobe in new rented apartment. Her boyfriend believes that her boredom and idleness is the cause of anxiety. But the girl knows for sure - something evil wants to get out.


Chamber of Horrors' guests are frightened by the realistic performance of a young actress, who acts as a ghost. But soon she faces a real ghost, who imitates her.

Part 1. Before We Leave

A story about the memory of the dead, about life after death and about love after leaving forever.

The family packs for the moving. Mom gets nostalgic sorting stuff out. Son indifferently throws books and toys in his backpack. Dad tries to slip away to say goodbye to his friends. And only the Youngest Daughter can not find her deal. She stares at others and mess with them. At the same time a strange Old Lady in black stares at the Girl attentively. But no one notices the Old Lady except Girl and it scares her. The Girl becomes frightened even more when she realizes that the whole family will leave her alone with the Old Lady in an empty apartment. And no one can help her, because her family is no longer alive.


Laureate of prestigious international script contests

The Team

Natasha Gurkin (Director)

Came to the profession through comics, manga and anime drawing. It was a long journey, since initially she did not have a dream about cinematography. But now she wants to shoot something that will immerse the audience in a state on the verge of reality and fantasy, close to dream. And to combine the spirit of animation and realism of cinematography to find in this middle ground. Natasha is a many awards winner, for example XVII Videominute International Contes and Toronto International Film Festival for her first short, shoted by mobile phone.

Lena Shchurova (DOP)

Believes that the main task of the DOP is to help the director realize his ideas, to tell the story visually in a right way. Lena always tries to reach the depth in each project, to find hidden meanings and to show them to the audience in the most gentle way. So people would feel them and touch them subconsciously. Our story is not as simple as it may seem at first sight. "Imagine that you are filming a Moritake poem, only do it as a psychological horror: A fallen blossom returning to the bough, I thought - But no, a butterfly.

Kate Abrosova (Art director)

Before entering the Cinema School, she spent 10 years in interior design and even opened her own design bureau. Before entering the Cinema School, she spent 10 years in interior design and opened her own design bureau. But then realize that want to create something that you will not meet in real life. Kate loves fairy tales and most of all terrible ones, such that the heart stops. And also adores the details and the little hooks, which are not distinguishable from the beginning, but if you notice them you will open a whole layer of context and hidden meaning.

Nika Zhiznevsky (Producer)

Came to the cinema through television. She worked as a reporter and host of news programs. But then realize that telling people about real life is not as exciting as entertaining them. She is aimed to making a relevant and high-quality films, that break you away. And it is not so important whether it is scary or ridiculous, the main thing is that it should take your breath away.

George Verolaynen (Screenwriter)

Started to write mystikal stories in Prime School Georgy hesitated for a long time to become a screenwriter. He studied history and theory of cinema, as well as film language grammar for several years before write his first script. The first experience was successful - the debut reached the final of the Golden Script Award last year.

Stas Paush (Sound Design)

Stas came to the profession, because he always liked to enhance the video form by the audio form. He does believe that the main aim of sound designer is to make story dramaturgically stronger and wider.